Joy Primary School, Regent Village

Joy Primary School - Dark classes, cramped conditions.

Joy Primary School - The children and teachers deserved better conditions, your support made the change possible. Thank you!

Joy Primary School - The children and teachers deserved better conditions, your support made the change possible. Thank you!

Joy Primary School

Joy Primary School - The children and teachers deserved better conditions, your support made the change possible.

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - The old latrines

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - The old latrines

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - The old latrines

Joy Primary School - June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - June 2012 -

Joy Primary School - June 2012 -

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - Children lining up during our visit.

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012 - Jimmy Bruzon handing over a letter confirming our support, in the background is the Gibraltar flag.

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012 - Jimmy Bruzon talking to the children and encouraging them to try their best at school.

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - Team visit June 2012

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - The site was close to the existing temporary school, located about 100 metres away on a steep hill.

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - Regent Village is full of fields where villagers grow crops.

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - The proposed site for the new school building and latrines.

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - These children live on the hill.

Joy Primary School - June 2012 - Head teacher and staff posing at the new site.

June 2014 - Joy Primary School - Head teacher at the site of the new school building.

June 2014 - Joy Primary School - Works begin to build the new school site which will include three classrooms, a store, an office and new latrines.

June 2014 - Joy Primary School - Early works begin to transform the site.

August 2014 - Joy Primary School - The site transformation continues.

August 2014 - Joy Primary School - The site transformation continues.

September 2014 - Joy Primary School - Windows being built.

September 2014 - Joy Primary School - Works starts on the roof which.

September 2014 - Joy Primary School - Looking good!.

September 2014 - Joy Primary School - Building works well advanced.

September 2014 - Joy Primary School - Building works well advanced.

October 2014 - Joy Primary School -

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - The latrines

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - The latrines

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - The latrines

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - The desks and chairs are made locally

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - The desks and chairs are made locally

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Plastering

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - The hole for the latrines is ready

October 2014 - Foundation work for the latrines

October 2014 - Joy Primary School -

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Windows being worked on

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Ceiling and roof work
October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Ceiling and roof work

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Ceiling and roof work

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Ceiling and roof work

October 2014 - Joy Primary School -

October 2014 - Joy Primary School -

October 2014 - Joy Primary School - Painting

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - School was painted and new furniture handed over

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - New equipment delivered.

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - Sports equipment delivered.

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - New furniture delivered.

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - Sports equipment and furniture delivered.

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - Sports equipment and furniture delivered.

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - School exterior.

November 2014 - Joy Primary School - New latrines nearly ready.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - New latrines with water tanks for washing ready for use.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - New store room.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - Sinks ready to be used.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - Good ventilation and light classrooms.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - The school ready for use.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - The school ready for use.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - The roof acts as a collection point for water and it is stored in a large tank for later use.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - Water is collected into the large tank.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - New furniture.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - Thank you for your support, please consider setting up a monthly standing order so we can bring change to other needy schools in Sierra Leone. Bank details are on our home page.

December 2014 - Joy Primary School - Thank you for your support, please consider setting up a monthly standing order so we can bring change to other needy schools in Sierra Leone. Bank details are on our home page. JOY PRIMARY SCHOOL has been transformed, thank you for your support!!